Sunday, November 27, 2011

Crafting Things

So, this weekend, I spent Thanksgiving with my cousins, where we made videos about how to make Turkeys out of paper cups and some household items. Which got me thinking about how important crafts are to me when I'm helping out. A lot of the work that I do is with people, which is why I like to have things to do with them.

One of the things that I can always do with people is crafts. I can always make things with them that both of us can cherish and enjoy for a long time. It's so much fun to look at something and know that you made it with someone else. To ensure that I always have a fun craft, I keep a craft book. In it, I keep all the crafts that I know how to make. For each craft, I write a list of materials needed to make the craft and a step-by-step set of instructions for my craft.

The above video is the instructional one that my cousin and I made. If you do a lot of work with people, you should keep a craft book and you can make this one the first craft. If not, think about making something so that you'll always have something to do when helping out.

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