Sunday, November 11, 2012

Not Getting What You Want

Now, one thing I hate is when people say that life isn't fair and that you don't always get what you want. I for one know that it sucks not to get what you want. It just isn't fun, especially when you worked so hard for it. I mean, when someone is upset because they worked hard for something and they didn't end up getting it, the proper thing to do isn't to tell them to get over it and stop being a crybaby. I mean, sometimes it may not seem like that much to you, but if a person put a lot of work into something and it didn't happen that would stink. I mean, just listening to them is good. You don't have to tell them to suck it up.

Now, there are exceptions to this rule. For example when someone is complaining about someone not liking them back, that's different because it's another person's feelings and it's not fair to blame someone for that. Also, when someone keeps repeatedly complaining about something then it' fair to tell them to suck it up. I mean, there's only so much that a person can complain about something. They should get over it eventually, and if they don't, it's fair to tell them to do so.

But everyone is gets upset when they don't get something that they worked really hard for. So it's not cool to tell them not to complain when they do.

Friday, November 2, 2012


So, today I had a very interesting discussion about hypocrisy. It was a discussion about a character in a novel, but it turned into so much more than that. It turned into personal attacks, and large disagreements between all the people that were involved in this discussion.

However, I would like to point out one thing. Everyone on this Earth is a hypocrite in some way, shape or form. Everyone has done something in their life that could be considered hypocritical. If I were to judge someone for being a hypocrite, that makes me a bigger hypocrite that judges herself.  People have all made mistakes in their life. People do things that they know are wrong, just because they want to. It doesn't mean that they don't know what they do is wrong. It doesn't mean that they don't want to do things differently. But sometimes things happen differently than what a person wants.

It's different to actually say something than it is to do it. It takes a lot more strength to do something than it does to say it. And sometimes, a person doesn't have that strength.

In the novel A Catcher in the Rye (which the discussion was about), the main character, Holden finds himself saying that he doesn't want to have sex with girls if he doesn't like them, but he breaks that rule the same night. He realizes that it is so much harder to actually say no than it is to want to say no. And he can't do it. However, that doesn't make him a terrible person. It doesn't even mean he wants to do what he did. However, he couldn't find the strength to follow his rule. Just because his actions don't like up with his thoughts doesn't make him terrible. It doesn't mean that he doesn't treat women the way he's supposed to, as he shows that he actually does have a lot of respect for women throughout the novel. But he is a 16 year-old boy and he will make mistakes, and he will do things differently than he wants to. That's not because he has no respect for women. It's because he's human, just like everyone else.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Horoscopes and Halloween Costumes

So, I know I haven't updated this blog in a looong time. Sorry about that, but I've been pretty busy and I just haven't known what to blog about. But now I'm back and it's pretty good to be back.

Well, today something happened that I thought was pretty cool. I have an app on my phone for horoscopes. I read mine every day, just to give my day a little direction. Sometimes, it's something specific that I try and actually make an effort to do. Sometimes, I forget what it says the second I put the phone down.

Well, it was Halloween today. I was reading my horoscope and it literally told me that I should dress up like a superhero because that's the costume that represented me best. And I was just like, "Okay. That's a very flattering comment to make, horoscope. Since you take the time to think about what I want to hear, I'll listen to you about the costume." Funny how my horoscope knows that I haven't picked out a costume on Halloween morning. And I thought it was interesting. I mean, I've never been a superhero before and it would be interesting and fun to be. So, I thought... "Why not?"

So yeah. Read your horoscopes people. I mean, you may not even believe in them, but sometimes they can really motivate you to do something with your day.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Here's a blog post mainly for teens. It can be for anyone really, but I know the struggle that teenagers have with this topic at school, with people that we have to see every single day. That's why I am making this blog post.

The years that I spent in middle school were the worst years of my life. Why? People were mean. And when I tried to talk to teachers, people make fun of me. When I told my parents, they told me "it's not a big deal, just get over it" every single time I tried to talk to them. They would say this without even listening to me really.

I have to say, there was one girl in particular who really hurt me. When I started my new school, I learned that her parents were friends with my parents. I assumed we would be friends, or at least I hoped so. On the first day of classes, I found out that I had science with her. So, I decided to sit with her. Our very first assignment in that class was to write about cells. The next day, my teacher had us read what we wrote. I read mine, and my teacher told me that it was fantastic and very thorough. After class, on the way to my locker, she caught up with me and said, "Did you copy that off the internet? There's no way you could write that." I thought that she felt that I was stupid, and when she told a ton of other people, I knew that she thought that. At first, it was easy to ignore, but it didn't end there.

Sometimes, she would act like my best friend. Later, I realized that was only when she wanted to talk about someone behind their back. At first, she would just tell me that someone was mean to her. Then, she would exxagerate whatever the person did. She would tell me that I should hate someone because she hated them. Then, she would start using the words "slut" and "whore" as her justification to hate someone. This continued all of the rest of the year, and the next year too. She would act like she was my best friend, then she would go around saying I was fat and ugly. She told people that I was dating one guy (which I wasn't) and cheating on him with my friend (who I wasn't with either) because we were spending time together. She would go up to guys and tell them that I liked them and they should ask me out when I didn't. And, I was one of the poeple that she didn't do that much to. I could never treat her as a friend because I knew that in one second, her being nice to her would change..

What do I mean? Sometimes, she would tell me that she wanted to change and be nicer to people. Once, she sent an e-mail to someone calling one of my friends a bitch. That person sent it to the person it was about and she showed it to me. She asked me to talk to her about it, because she knew that she might listen to me. But, she told me to keep her name out of it. When I talked to her, she said she made a promise to God about being a better person and she wanted me to tell her who it was that she called a bitch so that she could "apologize" and so I told her one of my friend's names, who wasn't the real person. I told my friend, and later my friend told me that this girl had come up to her and said some things that I can't even put in a blog post.

But, what got me through dealing with it? Talking to my school guidance counselor, my friends, writing about it in my journal. All of that helped me deal with it. It would really hurt when she called me fat, ugly, stupid, a whore... The list goes on. But, if you are being bullied, I would suggest talking to someone about it. Or, if you know someone who deals with them, talk to them too. And do everything you can to make sure it stops.