Sunday, October 9, 2011

How Good People Matter

Good people. We've all known a few, and heard of many more. There's my hero, Mother Teresa, who devoted her entire life to helping people. However, less than a handful of people would ever be willing to do something like that.

How about people who have just been all around helpful and loving for their entire lives?

In my life, the two people who have come to fit that description as well as they possibly could are my grandparents.

This weekend, my aunt, uncle and cousins came down here and we spent the majority of the weekend cleaning out my grandparent's house, because my grandma is coming home, and she's going to live there. Recently, we had the entire house remodeled because it was very old, dirty, and it was falling apart by the minute. On the outside, it looks the same as it always did. But, on the inside, it's no longer the same house where they took care of me. But, I can feel all the memories around me when I'm in it. Anyway, the people who did the remodeling stayed in it for some time, and it was a mess when we looked at it. All of her clothes from a closet that they didn't even do anythign with were dumped on the floor. Half of the stuff in the house was gone, and all the the dining room table was a mess. Not to mention the floors and bathrooms. When I walked through the house, and saw all this, I wondered how anyone could do this to the place where two amazing people lived.

It made me upset, as my cousin and I angrily, yet thoroughly, cleaned every space in the house, and made it look as beautiful as we possibly could. We folded all the sheets, cleaned all the bathrooms, folded the clothes, cleaned a lot of dishes and scrubbed the floors. And there was more that the rest of my family did. I was still upset thinking about what a mess the house was before we finished it, but when we were done, I looked at the house, and the weekend's worth of hard work that we put into the house, and realized how much work we did, without a single complaint, because we love my grandparents so much. And that's when I realized that the poeple who made it such a mess didn't know my grandparents, and how much they helped others, but we did. And my family and plenty of people in our community loved them so much that we would do anything for them. And that thought makes me so happy.

So, how about some good people that you know? Please leave a comment about them, because I would love to read it.

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