Sunday, October 23, 2011


Odd post title...I know. But, you can always trust that I will explain it. Yesterday, I had a very huge hospice meeting. It was a training meeting for visiting patients. As a student, I am only allowed to see patients in a nursing home for about two times a month. I will also be doing that with a partner.

One of the main things we talked about at the meeting was death. This is because all the patients will die, and we need to know all the signs and stages, and also how to help the families. But, one of the things that I learned at that meeting is that not everyone dies with the loved and support of their family and friends. That's where us volunteers come into play.  We support those people who don't have families. We also support people who do have families, because the families always need a break, and we should give them that.

The reason I decided to do this was because two years ago, in October, my grandmother fell and was placed in a rehabilitation facility. My dad and I went to visit her every single day, and we worried about her constantly. But, the woman who shared a room with my grandma was in much worse condition than her. And there was never anyone to visit her. I wondered how horrible that must be. To be by yourself with nobody there to visit me. Maybe it's just because family is so important to me and my family.

So, I encourage you to take a step out into something like hospice, or a friend who is in the process of losing someone. I'm not asking you to do a lot. But, just be there for them, and help them through this journey that htey are on.

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