Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Epiphany Day...Sorta

So, today, a guest speaker came to speak at my school. Some of the things he talked about really made me think. Like, if I knew that a friend was drinking a lot and it was becoming a problem, would I tell their parents? Well, I could go on and cover for my friend so they're not mad at me, but, whree would that end up. If my friend was drinking one day and they decide to drive a car, with other friends in it, and they get into an accident,... Would I rather have my friend mad at me for telling, or dead? Those are some things that he really made me think about.

Another thing he made me think about is saying two words. These two words should be said often, and, they are. These two words are very important. And, we use them a lot, yet, we don't usually use them unless we see the immediate need to. You see, when someone opens a door for us, we say it. Thank you. We say it for something as simple as that, but, do we ever say it to our parents because they set aside all that money for our college funds? Do we say it to our parents because they raised us? Do we say it to our teachers because they taught us? Not usually. So, I'm going to try and be more thankful from now on.

Then, I guess there's the last thing. So, today, he asked all the senior boys to stand up, and give him a reason besides sex to have a girlfriend. He said that if they couldn't think of anything, they should sit down. So, all of the guys sat down except two. Is that really the type of boyfriend that I want to have? Is that really the type of guy that I want to be dating when I'm a senior? Is that the guy who I want in a lot of my memories about hgih school? And, well, it also makes me think about a guy that I like. Would he be sitting down, or standing up?  And, it makes me think of the probable answer, which is sitting down.

So, the question that encompasses all three of these topics is... What am I going to do about it? When the times come for all these questions to arise, which is soon, for all of them... What am I going to do about it?

1 comment:

  1. Guess who finally found your blog! xD

    Anyways, nice title. It really suits every situation here. It's good that the speaker gave everyone something to think about. A lot of times people slip into a 'neutral' mode, making decisions without considering the possible outcomes.
    - - -
    [I'll post more later, but I have to go now.]
