Tuesday, September 20, 2011


So, today, a teacher at my school told us a tragic story about something that to dear friend of hers, and I won't go into the story, however, I will go into what it taught me.

I realized that every decision I make, no matter how big or small it is, can have a very impact on something, and I won't know exactly what will happen until I have made the decision, however, when I do make that decision, I should be held accountable for it, no matter how everything turns out.

Responsibility can have many meanings and contexts. So, when I use it now, it's important to know exactly how I wish for it to be used. Right now, I am using responsibility as responsibility for one's actions. It's impossible not to make decisions, and turn those decisions into actions. We all have responsiblity for our actions. Because the actions we make are very important and they can impact any and everything in ways that are unchangeable. And, when you do something, you can't go back and undo it, and you can't change it. What's done is done, and wer're responsible for everything.

So, if we are held responsible for our actions, we should take great care in those actions, and decisions made for those actions. So, now, whatever I decide to do, I will think about it carefully, and think about all the consequences, and then determine whether I want to make that decision.

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