Thursday, September 1, 2011

Symbols for You

So, yesterday, I had to write for my English blog. The title was "Symbolism" because we were discussing it in class. The assignment was to write about a symbol that represented us.

I chose a dove, because I couldn't think of what to write, so I decided to take a quiz online. I chose a dove because it symbolizes peace in a way. I'm the kind of person that doesn't like to stir up drama, or be involved in it. Which is why I started this blog. So I could let people know about my feelings without hurting people, or upsetting people. Also, I'm the kind of person that just flies away when I don't like where I am. And, if I'm stuck, I'm always trying to get...unstuck, I suppose, and fly away from trouble as fasr as I can. Whenever people are having a conversation that I don't want to be a part of, I just leave and try not to make it too obvious, and neither does a dove. I suppose I just thought that peace and flight were parts of me, and a dove symbolizes both of those things.

So, in your comments, tell me what symbolizes you. and why. I'm really curious to hear what you have to say.

1 comment:

  1. This is a fascinating topic, & I must say that your symbol suits you really well. (I should know. I own a dove!) You seem really considerate & open minded to other people's views. Your peaceful logic is definitely a valuable skill to have.
    - - -
    As for myself, I have no clue what my symbol would be. xD Maybe a maple leaf, since I'm Canadian to the core & I have a wicked prideful streak. I'm also very influenced by the seasons--nature is entwined in many aspects of my life.
    - - -
    A maple leaf was the best I could do, so congratulations on picking such a good one.
