Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Why can't I be PERFECT?

Yes...this is another one of those posts about the fact that so many people don't see themselves in the way they should be seeing themselves. I see this all the time. Plenty of teenage girls think they're too fat, too skinny, too tall, too short, too...this list could honestly go on forever.

From the perspective of a teenage girl, I have definitely felt that way before. I felt like I don't look like good enough. And that I have to change myself so I can be perfect. I've wished so many times that I could just things about myself. I wished I could be perfect.

But...in reality...

I should listen when people tell me that I'm fine the way I am. Sure, I want to be perfect. But, who is? Nobody is perfect. It doesn't matter who they are. All that matters is who I choose to be.

So...why try to be? Or, why try to act like it? I see it all the time. Girls acting like they're so much better than everyone else. Telling other girls that they're not good enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough. But...why? So they can feel perfect. Well, I'll tell you a good way to feel perfect...

Stop acting perfect. If you just realize that you're human, and that you're wonderful the way you are, things will be so much easier and better for you. People will like you, and you'll feel like a good person too. For everyone who reads this, recite this pledge.

I understand that I am no perfect person, nor will I ever be. I also understand that I am great, just the way I am, and I want to be happy with my body and who I am.
If you just keep that attitude, you will feel perfect. So, tell me. What makes you feel insecure?

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