Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Have You Ever Felt Lonely?

Have you ever felt that way? like no one in the world cares about your problems. They don't care that you seem to have nobody in your corner. Nobody to support you. You just feel alone in this world.

And then, looking around, you see everyone. With all their friends. Their perfect families. Do you ever ask yourself why you don't have that? Do you ever ask why you are stuck being yourself, knowing the people that you know?

As of now, I feel like this. I'm trying to think, but i can't think of someone who really even cares enough to talk me through the situation. Well, it's possible, however, with him always being busy and he also makes me feel lonely too sometimes. I feel like he's moving on without me, and I never will.

I just want one person to understand me and always be there for me. What about you? Do you ever feel like that? Have you ever felt so alone? Like the world wanted to rip your heart out?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Again With the Videos

Seriously? I don't even care if she is a troll. This is not considered acting on impulse. This is just offensive. Because over 10,000 people died in a tragedy, and you are talking about it as if it's the best thing that ever happened.

So, to everyone who hasn't seen the video. It's just about a girl who says that she is so happy because of the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan because it is a sign from God to all the Atheists in the world. She said that at the start of Lent, all the Christians came together to pray to open the eyes of the Atheists so that they may realize that there is a God.

Now, personally, I try to be open-minded. Yes, I do believe in God. And I have tried not to before. So, it seems that my heart lies in Christianity. I try to be open-minded and accepting about things that most Christians wouldn't find acceptable. Like homosexuality, abortion etc. My beliefs are that everyone is entitled to whatever they see fit for themselves, and nobody else is in any position to judge them. I do hope that the world can come to religious peace, however, I know that is quite frankly impossible. But, I would never pray for thousands of people to die to prove my religion. Nor do I think that thousands of people dying is proof of God. I wouldn't even promote Christianity to someone who doesn't believe in it.

Now, in the video, she's talking about how much God loves us, and what an amazing God he is. Now, here's one point that I can't seem to understand. Her entire "God is so loving" point is destroyed by the fact that she says that God answered her prayers by killing thousands of people and destroying the lives of many. Making them lose their homes and their loved ones. And yes, some of the people that died in Japan were Christian.

Also, why are you acting happy about what happened in Japan. Because that is honestly just horrible of you to sit there and say that you are overjoyed about the fact that a giant tsunami came and destroyed many people's lives. Do you honestly have any idea how bad you are making Christians look right now?

So, what are you thoughts on the video?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

To Strangers

Yesterday, my friend and I were bored and decided to go shopping. We ended up hanging out at all the Asian stores, art galleries, Hot Topic, and then the little homey stores like Yankee Candle and Bath and Body Works, before getting random stuff to eat. 

But, after we went to the art galleries, which were all right next to each other, we went down an escalator. When we were about to get on, we had to ask a few kids to move for a little bit so we could get on. They stepped to the side. They were so small, they barely had to move. When we stepped on the escalator, we realized that two little kids sitting on the escalator by themselves didn't look right, and we should probably go look to check things out. So, we did, and we found that they were waiting for their mom, who was in a nearby department store. However, their little sister, a small 5 year-old girl, was too scared to get on the escalator.

My friend and I tried to help, hoping that maybe she would trust some older kids. We had to talk to her a little bit. And give her a few examples. A quick one foot on and one foot off demonstration. Finally, we got her on the escalator, and she liked it so much, she didn't want to get off. It was so sweet. Though, it was a little creepy how her older (yet still younger than us) brother started hitting on us.

Later, we went to Bath and Body Works for a little while, when we realized that we probably shouldn't leave them there, so we went back and waited for their mother to show up. She finally did, but as we went down the escalator, and they walked along the top floor, they waved at us for as long as they could see us, and we waved back.

The point of this is, doing a random deed for a stranger makes you feel good inside, not to mention it will put a smile on someone's face. Next time you see someone that could use your help, do your best to help them, because it will really put a smile on their face. And when you put  a smile on their face, you put a smile on your own face.

So, what's a good deed that you've done for a complete stranger?

Friday, March 25, 2011

Keep a Journal!

There are so many rants that people need to make. And it seems they always need a place to rant to. I know that if I'm not around another person that I can rant to, I tend to turn to the internet whenever I need to rant. But, the one other place I rant to is my journal.

My jornal provides the best thing for me. A place to rant to, where I can say anything and everything, and not worry about offending or upsetting anyone else. I name all my journals, and write entries whenever I have something to say. And I keep a box with all my journals in it. The one I am using at the time is always on my bedside table, because I tend to do most of my writing at night.

Also, I can always share what I wrote in my journal later. Because everything I want to say is written down, along with all my emotions and feelings. And later, when I've thought about what I said, and whether it's something that other people need to hear, then I post it on my blog.

So, do you keep a journal? And do believe it's a good place to rant to and a helpful tool? What's something special about you and your journal.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Acting on impulse

Okay, so, I know plenty of people have acted on impulse before. In fact, everyone has. Done something without really thinking about it.

The internet makes acting on impulse even more dangerous, because we can do post things on the internet for everyone to read. Writing something such as a journal entry is much better, because you have the option to share it if you want. And, if it is offensive, nobody has to know about it. On the internet, your rant is up for everyone to see, and the second it is made, it's public.

In my previous post, I wrote about a girl who acted on impulse because she heard Asian people talking in the lbrary and made a video to express her feelings. Now, I don't agree with what she did, and I believe that she really should have thought before posting that online. However, the important part is that she apologized for it. Yes, I was offended by it, because I technically fall under the category of Asian. But, I don't believe that it's right to insult her personally. And a lot of comments under the video on youtube have been doing just that. Just forgive and forget is what I say.

So, my advice for if you need to rant is this. First of all, don't go to the internet when you need to rant. Start a journal, and write to that journal when you need to rant. And, take time to calm down about it and read over it again. If you feel like that writing should be shared, and it's not going to offend people, then put it on the internet. Also, if you have to apologize in advance about something you are saying on the internet, don't post it.

So, what are your tips for when you need to rant? And, what are good ways to control impulses?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What is this? I don't even...

My response to this... Oh gosh...  I don't even know where to start.

First of all, that's just a generalization. Why are you insulting Asian people? Plenty of people talk in the library. Seriously, why must it be the Asian people that you're insulting. I know plenty of Asian people with manners.

Sercond... The tsunami. I'd like to start this off saying, you seemed to be insulting Chinese people in your first statement. The tsunami hit Japan! Also, that event was a tragedy, and I can't even believe that you would use it to insult the people that were affected by it and their families. You feel bad? Then why would you post that on the internet?

No, I really don't like saying that. I don't like using my blog posts to insult people, and I wasn't trying to insult her. But, what she said infuriates me, and I just want to say that making generalizations about a certain race or culture is not the way to handle problems you've had with a few people of that race or culture.

So, tell me your opinions on this. What do you think of this video?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Why can't I be PERFECT?

Yes...this is another one of those posts about the fact that so many people don't see themselves in the way they should be seeing themselves. I see this all the time. Plenty of teenage girls think they're too fat, too skinny, too tall, too short, too...this list could honestly go on forever.

From the perspective of a teenage girl, I have definitely felt that way before. I felt like I don't look like good enough. And that I have to change myself so I can be perfect. I've wished so many times that I could just things about myself. I wished I could be perfect. reality...

I should listen when people tell me that I'm fine the way I am. Sure, I want to be perfect. But, who is? Nobody is perfect. It doesn't matter who they are. All that matters is who I choose to be.

So...why try to be? Or, why try to act like it? I see it all the time. Girls acting like they're so much better than everyone else. Telling other girls that they're not good enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough. But...why? So they can feel perfect. Well, I'll tell you a good way to feel perfect...

Stop acting perfect. If you just realize that you're human, and that you're wonderful the way you are, things will be so much easier and better for you. People will like you, and you'll feel like a good person too. For everyone who reads this, recite this pledge.

I understand that I am no perfect person, nor will I ever be. I also understand that I am great, just the way I am, and I want to be happy with my body and who I am.
If you just keep that attitude, you will feel perfect. So, tell me. What makes you feel insecure?

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Hey everyone. So, right now, I'm in Chicago, and I'm sitting in a hotel room watching TV. I'm updating a ton of pages. Like my wiki, my blog and my forum. This is sort of off-topic, but, be sure to check my wiki for links so you can help Japan.

Anyway, I got here on Friday to see my cousins and my grandma, becuase my grandma had to go to the hospital the next day. Don't worry, nothing is serious, but she's been having trouble seeing out of her right eye, and it turns out that it's completely blind. So, we took her to the eye doctor, and now we're taking her back in a month for the procedure.

But, I started off Saturday by playing catch with my little cousin. He's so cute. Sometimes, he's a little bossy, but he's fun and he's a great kid. I just love talking to him and psending time with him. So, we played catch, and aside for nearly (this word may or may not apply) hitting a ton of things, it was so much fun. Then, my other cousin came home and we played Wedding Dash. We're cool like that. We love games like that. Wedding Dash, Diner Dash, Hotel Dash. And, other stuff like that. After that, we went and saw Beastly. That is a wonderful movie and I suggest it to teenage girls. It's not only just a cute, nice movie, but it proves that inner beauty is more important than outer beauty, which is a lesson that plenty of people need to learn. And that's no lie.

Then, on Sundaymy dad drove me to my mom's hotel, and now we're here. My mom's working in Chicago right now. I tend to visit wherever it is that she works. After we got to the hotel, we went to see the Blue Man Group before my dad went back home.

Monday, and I ended up sitting in the hotel room all day. It wasn't too bad. I thought it was going to be, but getting some alone time was pretty fun. Then, my mom and I went shopping. It was fun, but, she kept picking up clothes that I really didn't want. It was almost like I was a little doll for her to dress up.

On Tuesday, we went to the mall again. It was pretty fun. I got a Godiva bear and some earrings. They were...really expensive. Then we went to an Indian resteraunt and it was pretty cool. The food was good, and the waitor said I was pretty and described my eyes as "magicful" which was nice.

So, on Wednesday, I basically did nothing besides study and read. My mom had to work all day, and ended up coming home really late. It was rather the ordeal for my father who was basically sitting by the phone, hopubg he wouldn't have to call my aunt and tell her to come get me.

So, give me your thoughts. What was your best experience visiting your family? Tell me about it, and your story might be featured on my wiki.